Reduce risk, induce trust!

Reduce risk, induce trust!

A website using HTTP is an unprotected one and can potentially reveal information about the users that access it. As a user, here is an example: you are using the search function in an unprotected website, so you can disclose personal or medical information to your employer, IT department monitors internet usage of Wi-Fi on your company, even if you are using your smartphone! HTTPS is a way to prevent that "someone easily" listens to the communications between your websites and your users! HTTPS is not the future of the web, it is…Read more


In 2004 the internet went social, and I went social with it! Now it is time to reclaim content back home, to make things simple again. I will still manage clients social platforms but I will be focusing on my main website again. With the Wordpress Android APP it is really simple to post content on the go, and that is what I will do soon enough.Read more